When our systems are not in flow and our bodies are not connected to operate, we experience many unwanted behaviours. For our bodies to be in a state of Flow we must be in an safe, accepting environment, that has the capacity to understand our needs and to be able to help us develop and activate the flow system, helping us to emotionally regulate.
For children you can see behaviours such as:
- Self Harming
- Anger/aggressive behaviour
- Poor learning
- Lack of concentration
- Eating disorders
- Bed wetting
- Hyperactivity
- Bullying
- Withdrawn behaviour
- Anxiety
- Refusal to go out or to go to school
- OCD Behaviour
- Clingy/will not leave carer/parent
- Controlling behaviour
Possible Reasons that can interrupt the FLOW system
- Divorce
- Physical/sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Bereavement
- Bullying
- Post Natal depression
- Medical reasons and difficulties at birth
- Miscarriage
- Loss of parents, during early childhood
- Medication
- Poor diet
- Environments that cannot accommodate safety and emotional regulation
Weekly session of 45 minutes, which is on the same day and time every week. During this time children are allowed to play freely with sand, art, clay, puppets, music, in a non-directive way, so they can communicate their inner world through metaphor and stories, enabling them to make inner connections, in the brain and in the body, helping them to create an internal system that helps them to regulate
Flow is non-judgemental and accepting, allowing children to safely explore their inner worlds, allowing them to grow in a safe space, helping them to create a narrative that is more loving, and helps them to create an inner foundation, that allows their system to work for them rather than against them. It doesn’t matter about creative ability as this isn’t a requisite of Flow. Flow is who they become. It is an energy, a feeling, and a base that can create the most amazing system within the body. Everyone has he innate ability they just need to connect.
So if you are looking at this website, then maybe you are experiencing difficulties with your child, yourself, or both, and are not sure how to make the next step. I would like to help you to understand a little bit more about the creative Flow coaching.